Friday, December 11, 2015

2016 Calendar Girl Release Schedule

What a week.

First and foremost - I'm so sorry to anyone I missed at the Wonderground Gallery. A stomach flu hit me last Friday morning, so I spent 24 of the unhappiest hours of my life in a hotel room at the happiest-place-on-earth. Thankfully, I'm on the mend, but I'm so sad to have missed the event! I've got a second Wonderground post ready to go, so that those of you who weren't able to come to Anaheim can get a closer look at my second piece for the show - that should be up tomorrow…

But first! I had hoped to release this schedule earlier in the week, but sickness put a wrench in those plans. Sickness also halted production a bit, so I wanted to make sure that I would be able to hit this release schedule before putting it out there for all of you. So here goes!

2016 Calendar Girl Release Schedule

Sunday, December 13th at 10am PST
Sunday, December 13th at 9pm PST
Monday, December 14th at 5pm PST
Tuesday, December 15th at 2pm PST
Wednesday, December 16th at 10am PST

(all calendars will be listed in the shop right here)

I'm hoping that there will be about 50 girls released in each batch, and all orders placed up to and including Wednesday, December 16th will ship before Christmas. (Please note: this is the cut-off date for all orders before Christmas.) 

Somewhat like last year, I have received some comments and concerns about the purchasing process, so I wanted to spell out a few Etsy troubleshooting tips for making the whole experience go a little more smoothly:
  • Check out quickly - Etsy does not hold items for you in your cart. I had many people complaining that they had calendars in their cart that were removed before they could check out. If you know that you would like to purchase a calendar, pick one and check out as quickly as possible to avoid losing out to another customer.
  • One at a time, please. I can't set a limit on the number of calendars that an individual customer can purchase through Etsy, but if I could I would request that you purchase one at a time. This helps to make sure that the checkout process goes more smoothly, and also allows for more customers to get calendars!
  • Try a few times. I'm trying to spread out the release schedule over a few dates and times to allow more people all over the world to have access to the calendars when the arrive in the shop. If you can't get a girl in the first round, please try again at one of the later times.
  • Refill Clarity! A new issue that customers seem to be running into this year is confusion about the Wardrobe Refill Packs, so I wanted to take a second to clarify exactly what they are.  The refill packs are intended to replace previous-years' pages for customers who already own a Calendar Girl. Every new Calendar Girl comes with her own set of pages, so if you are looking to buy a full calendar there is no need to purchase a refill pack. Conversely, buying refill packs will not reserve full calendars. Basically, if you don't already own a calendar from a previous year, I don't recommend buying a refill pack (unless you are just looking to have a pretty set of dresses in your life :)

So that's it! Again, I want to sincerely thank you all for your patience and continued support. I'm so grateful to be able to create the things that make me happy and just hope that they can make others happy as well!.

Have a wonderful week, and cheers to a magical Holiday Season!


Sarah J! said...

Thanks Brittney! Hope you feel completely better soon!

Emilee A. said...

Thank you Brittney!! I am really hoping to snag one on one of these dates!! Quick question - how much do they sell for? :)

Tag said...

Pls consider releasing refills earlier outside of full calendar release times. This would help ease webstore congestion.

Minnie Mez said...

I am SO excited and seriously hoping to be able to get myself a Calendar Girl!!! I'm most likely going to have access only through my phone and I'd like to be as quick as possible checking out-will a new section appear in your shop? Or is it best just to "view all products"?

This Cinematic Life said...

Sold out in two minutes. Tried to check out at 10:00 on the dot and it got snatched. Sigh!

taetahlia said...

Oh no! Did I miss getting one from etsy?

Unknown said...

*Sigh* Every release date the Calendar Girl I have in my cart is sold out before I complete my checkout :(

Will you have more refills out soon as well? Thanks Brittney :) Love your style and pieces!!

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same problem as Karen David. I get the calendar girl, get her in my cart & before I can complete the checkout she's gone. I have tried so far three times. You have only one one date left. If I don't get one tomorrow will there still be a chance. I don't care if its shipped for christmas because it's for me. I would really love to have one. They are adorable!!! Please say you have more & I stand a chance ;) Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Best way is to use PayPal. I tried using a regular credit card and it takes too long to enter the numbers. Your choice will likely get scooped up. It's how I lost out the first time. PayPal is a quicker transaction and it's how I scored nine.

Anonymous said...

*mine not nine lol

Unknown said...

Ive had the same problem as mentioned above - i pre signed into paypal so all i had to do was hit the buttons to purchase and after hitting pay now it was still removed from my kart - tried for 3 of the dates D: I've never hated Etsy so much haha. gutted to miss out again this year.

Anonymous said...

I did what anonymous suggested and got to my paypal. I signed in saw it in there but once I pressed the button It said I had a zero amount ,so I knew I had lost my purchase. I managed to get back to esty got a second girl & It happened again!! I'm so frustrated!!! I guess I'm out too! Really hate Esty way of doing business!

Katherine Young said...

I lost one on all 5 releases. I even contacted Etsy and told them to change how purchases work to hold items in customer's cart for one minute at least to help people out. These people who got them have ninja skills! I am hoping some sort of preorder can be done next year. Going on year three without one and would love to have one! Thanks so much and keep up the great work! Making all these can't be easy!

Unknown said...

I got the redhead that looks like princess anna!!!! I'm soooooo stoked!!!!! P.S. I love you Brittney! You're art is inspired and also I too love drawing and chocolate. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Are the refills sold on a different date?

amazonham said...

Since these are such a hot item, I think it would be a great idea to do a pre-order. I missed out on the December dates, but I would gladly pre-pay to get one from the next batch. :)

Anonymous said...

I would like to know when you will be releasing more calendar girls this year?

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