Here is a little self- portrait of me circa 20 years ago.
I've spent months trying to come up with the right words to express myself in this post, but I still don't think I can do it justice. Simply put, life is wonderful. If you can dream it, you can do it.
20 years later, that little girl gets to stroll into the Walt Disney Animation Studios every day and walk among giants. It doesn't get much sweeter than that.
I sincerely thank everyone who has ever given me support, and if you are reading this, that includes you. Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I haven't quite gotten settled in the new job yet, so posts might be sparse for a while. I will do my best to keep up, but please forgive me if I am a little slow. I will still be heading out to conventions, including Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle next weekend! If you are in the area you should definitely stop by! And after that I will be back in the Bay for Wondercon! If you have a chance to come to either show, please do. Until then, ta ta for now!