Monday, June 01, 2015

Past, Present, and Future


I woke up this morning and found myself nearly at the halfway mark of 2015, the past 6 months being a bit of a blur, and felt overwhelmingly guilty for my complete negligence of this space. One of my New Year's resolutions for 2014 was to keep up, and when 2015 hit, I kind of unwittingly ran for the non-blogging hills.

As I was thinking about this blog, though, I realized that 2015 is somewhat of a landmark for this space - 10 years. This little space has been operating for a decade! My goodness how time flies. 2015 also marks 5 years for me at Disney, and that seems completely unthinkable. It feels like just yesterday I was writing about being accepted as a trainee, and I still feel brand new every day when I walk into work!

The past 10 years have been formative and transformative for me, and if you troll through these archives, you can certainly see why I say that. I am so grateful to have had this space for so long, and for everyone who has shown support for it along the way. Thank you all.

Part of the reason why I haven't posted in a while is that there is presently a lot of new, fun work on my plate, but not much that I can share just yet. There is quite a bit coming, and lots of other things that I haven't been organized enough to post about. I'm working on remedying that, so hopefully I will be posting lots of new work SOON.

So today I would mainly like to pose a question to anyone out there who is still following this space - what would you prefer to see here in the future? The addition of new social media outlets to my wheelhouse (twitter, instagram, etc…) have been fantastic, but in some ways have made it more difficult to come up with blog-specific content. I have really gravitated toward instagram and all of its instant visual goodness, but I don't find it to be the best format for writing lengthy, informative posts. That is better suited here, right? Am I crazy? Does anyone actually want informative posts?

I would love to hear your thoughts! Please leave comments and let me know what you would like to see, and I will do my best to keep up!

In the meantime, though, you can definitely keep up with my daily shenanigans on twitter and Instagram - follow @britsketch for both!

Have a great week, everybody!


Joey said...

Blog posts are great! Instagram is good but easy to miss updates and posts! Plus, more robust details that you can share through a blog post so we can get know more about your process, etc. Obviously there's so much you can't share but when you can it's nice to hear the process to get to the finished work!

Clebell said...

MORE POSTS! I love to read your lengthy posts. Plus it's nice to fangirl over multiple pictures instead of just one :D

Unknown said...

I would love to see more about your upcoming projects and events!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE long and informative posts! :D Its great to see all your new work and is very inspiring! :D I think alot of people would enjoy hearing some of your advice and tips on things like the industry as well as tips on drawing/painting/crafting etc. Really excited to see more posts! I love your work :)

Rachel Reed said...

Instagram is great, but it can sometimes be easy to miss a post if you follow a lot of people. Plus, Blogger is nice because you can post more than one picture and give some info on your process or what is on your mind. Blogger also gives your fans a chance to really ask you questions... like we are currently doing.

Laura said...

I love your blog! The posts on costume design and rosemaling in Frozen were especially wonderful. Please do keep posting when you can! :)

SpiffyChickenArt said...

Well I agree with the others that more posting in general of any art you do is always fabulous! Always inspiring to see the things you're working on! Specifically... I think finished works accompanied by progress shots are neat, it's cool to see how artists work!

Stephanie said...

Instagram is wonderful for enjoying lovely pictures and getting some quick inspiration. But I also miss the back stories, the process and behind the scenes, and interesting tidbits about the work. I have started working with paper cut illustrations because of your work and would love to read more about it. Can't wait for more blogposts!

Katie l said...

I love all of your posts on here! I love seeing your art posts and love seeing your personal style in Instagram photos! Love to see more here!

Camille Epplin said...

Brittney Hello, thank you for taking time to write us. You always so warmly! I quite agree : other social networks are more for sharing images and quick news. Here we can read how you work. Even a post a year's enough us :) What I enjoy reading here is how you work, why you work on a particular subject (mermaid, bird or disney ...) how you proceed, what inspired you... I live in France, I'm an illustrator too (a small illustrator...). Read your experience at Disney makes me dream, makes me travel ... it's nice to discover some artists like you actually quite simple and friendly, share your work, exprérience, thoughts, processes, it is very generous and trainer for us (sorry for my English translation!!!)
Okay I will stop here promised! I look forward a new post, even though
it must appear in 6 months. Each time it's a good surprise :)

Unknown said...

I'd love to see more informative posts! :-) I joined Instagram recently purely to watch you, Lorelay and other wonderful artists on there. I realise it is much easier for you very busy people to post things on places like Twitter/Instagram, so thought I'd best join the throng of humble followers. I love seeing the daily, brief posts but every once in a while I delight at seeing a lengthy blog post.

I do hope you decide to keep updating this blog, however briefly, for the next decade.

All the best. x

Jazzyfizz8 said...

On your blog, maybe for one you could include some progress shots of an upcoming personal art piece, for digital and paper? And for your store, can you please sell some iPhone 6 phone covers? i'm holding off getting a new phone whilst I wait for the good phone covers to come out, i.e. yours!

Samantha said...

Definitely informative posts, please!
Can you write about your experiences and your way to where you are now? Could include past work and work in progress as well? : )
It is always inspiring to see great artists' development process!

Ang said...

I stop by your blog pretty often just to view your work. I love seeing it & reading your brief or long posts that you write. I think it gives insight on your thought process or just fun info but I can see how other social media outlets give an immediate and easier update.

Ang said...

I stop by your blog pretty often just to view your work. I love seeing it & reading your brief or long posts that you write. I think it gives insight on your thought process or just fun info but I can see how other social media outlets give an immediate and easier update.

Ang said...

I stop by your blog pretty often just to view your work. I love seeing it & reading your brief or long posts that you write. I think it gives insight on your thought process or just fun info but I can see how other social media outlets give an immediate and easier update.

Alli R said...

I love hearing the stories and heart behind your art!

Anonymous said...

I love your art so much!!!!! maybe you an pick aquestion from one of your followers every once in a while and make a post on your blog for an answer? :)

James said...

I love your art, but also love to hear about that work and the thought process that goes into it.

Anonymous said...

I would love an insight on the process of how to create your art, specifically your paper art! Also, it would be great if you shared your life working at Disney and how you got your job! I would love to work at Disney Animation Studios and I would love to hear how you got connected with Disney. Thank you!

Elizabeth said...

I would love long or short posts…just post! Perhaps when you share you can write about the parts of a project you struggled with or how you problem solve. It would also be great to hear a bit more about work but if that is a Disney secret I understand:)

Unknown said...

Upcoming art events that you've attended would be an interesting post!

Anonymous said...

Informative posts would be amazing!!!

Megan L. said...

You. Are. Amazing. Please keep posting! I follow you on both Twitter and Instagram, but I really enjoy getting to read some of your lengthier posts. I'm just gonna go ahead and jump on board the process-post request train.

s'mee said...

I always get excited when I see that you have written a post. My favs are the ones with the details and thoughts on your process. I love seeing the progression from 'this idea' to the final piece. You have 'dream job' in some of our eyes, info on how that goes is always fun. Thanks for checkin' in!

Keren said...

I like reading new posts. I also like seeing a group of photos related to a certain projects or that have a similar theme.

Anonymous said...

Long informative posts are rare but I appreciate them the most!

Anonymous said...

Your posts are fantastic, especially ones allowing readers behind-the-scenes views of your work. I'm always excited to see posts of new work (especially pieces that are added to your etsy shop)!

Steph said...

I would love for you to continue posting to blogger. Especially to discuss your process on new projects you post. :)

kms handmade said...

I still read blogs, and still follow! I follow on bloglovin, so there is no pressure to post all the time. I LOVE seeing your art.

Lori Shields said...

Thank you for so generously sharing your talent with the Internet! For me it's not an either-or; I think if you posted on Twitter and Instagram and ten other new media they come up with, I would read 'em all. My favorite, though, is the blog - the thoughts behind the images are so interesting and inspirational. I agree with some of the other commenters here - even if it's once a year, I'll look forward to reading whenever you post, and appreciate that even with what must be an incredibly busy schedule you take the time to give your fans a peek at your process. Thanks for all the magic!

The Raven's Landing said...

Please still blog! I really enjoy your informative posts--and your art posts, of course. I follow in via blogger, so anytime you post I see and come check it out--regardless of how long goes between posts.

Peng-Peng said...

i love checking out artists' blogs! instagram is great & all, but i feel like blogs are a great way to learn the thought process behind artists' creative decisions. if i could be selfish, i would love it if that's what you did with your blog - just to share why you drew something a certain way or your inspiration behind one of your creations. whatever you decide, just please don't abandon this space. it's like a little glimpse into your creative world.

amburgerleigh said...

Like many, I follow you on Twitter and Instagram but look forward to your blog posts for more details, insight and inspiration. It might be weird, but a couple months ago I was bored at work and actually read every single one from the beginning. I couldn't believe it went back so far to your schooling and moving across the country days. When I first met you it was at comic con and you were already working for disney so it was nice to see where you came from. I'm almost thirty and started painting last year and found out, wow, I'm really happy when I paint! Your posts are constantly inspiring and educational to me. I don't plan on pursuing it professionally but I don't want to stop any time soon. Since I have no training I get frustrated when I see things I like but have no idea what medium or materials were used, so I wouldn't even know where to begin. (Because of lorelay, I am getting comfortable with gouache!) With you in particular, what digital software you use and paper art information would be so helpful and from many of the comments I think people would agree ;) I don't even know what to type when I look up tutorials for paper art because its mostly papel picado, which is lovely but not the shadow box information I'd like. The layers are confusing to me.

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to share that your posts are inspiring. Whatever you continue to write about will continue to be helpful. The frozen ones may have made my eyes water. Not only are you talented but you're a fan of the company you work for and if I can't be a professional artist, I'm glad it's people like you that are making new memories for people.

One more thing! It's so cool for me to see you and the other artist ladies hanging out, the boves, liana hee, etc. do you guys ever create stuff together, not work-related? I think seeing a blog post about that would be really awesome and really inspiring to girls everywhere. This painting thing has changed and made new relationships for me, all for the better. it's nice to see how professional artists collaborate and support each other. Thanks for being you!

Yoob said...
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Joyce Carmo said...

How can anybody not want informative posts from any aspiring artist willing to share his/her thoughts? :)

I would definitely be really glad if you could do it!

Stephanie said...

I commented a few days ago but just thought of something that I would love to know: how do you store your finished pieces? Do you frame them all? Now that I've started working with paper cut illustrations I've been wondering about this... :) Thanks and I truly hope you decide to continue with the blog!

Lynnetta said...

I spy some Brittney Lee art in this video (0:42 and 0:48 marks) about the new bungalows at the Polynesian Resort at WDW.

Erin said...

YES! We want to know how you do what you do!

Both my 15 year old daughter and I are extremely taken with your art style and especially your paper cutting techniques. I spent the last couple of days trolling the internet for videos and tutorials of your paper cutting process but sad to say I didn't find very much.
We actually try to avoid Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr because we would prefer a more in-depth view into a person, story, process, work of art, etc. and blogging seems to lend itself to educating ourselves better. I understand that blogging/ vlogging takes way more effort in your busy day than a sound byte or a re-post on Tumblr, etc. but for those of us looking for solid "food" we can sink our teeth into, blogging is where it's at. So if you're asking... we vote for more blogging.

If you're stumped for post ideas, we'd love to know:
- how can an aspiring teen illustrator best prepare themselves for an art or design college in the future?
- what are some good animation expos on the EAST coast? Are there any??
- recommendations for any books, folios, videos/ documentaries an aspiring illustrator should see to gain exposure to the craft?
- demo: papercutting, digital drawing and design, using gouache, video tour of your studio, your favorite media and techniques, tips and tricks you've learned over the years, illustrator's terminology for the newbies

Breaking into the illustration field is a world of unknowns to us so we appreciate your generosity in sharing what it's like now that you're on the other side.

Rich said...

The personal blog in the age of twitter, instagram, facebook is a great platform to be verbose. There is this obsession lately with things being brief and ephemeral. This could be a place where you can actually share well thought out ideas, inspiring stories, works in progress, and documentation of your accomplishments. I think you're a really good artist and this place can be a window into your world, and possibly help shape your legacy.

Katherine Young said...

I am a big fan of doing one thing well instead of a bunch of things so-so. If you like your blog and instagram I don't think you need to stretch yourself thin on other platforms. The great thing about a blog is no one has to 'belong' to that platform to see your updates

I would love to see you post about your appearances, any upcoming art shows, classes, or projects for clients you can share. No one has quite your style and seeing how you create really inspires my work and reminds me to focus on how I tell visual stories.

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Anonymous said...

I love blogs as there is more detail behind images; that's why I prefer to document my artistic journey this way! I use Twitter as well, but in addition to, my blog.

Visiting this blog in particular is something I love to do because I enjoy poking about in your archives and seeing how far you've come in ten years. It gives me great hope!

Ike Horton said...

I have been following your work for years and it has inspired quite a bit of my own paper cutting work, but I would love for you to post some tutorials or process posts.

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Roxie said...

I think of you as a celebrity.

The old blog post with an illustration of you and your sister playing on rolling green hills in a backyard was emotional for me.

Is it weird to feel like we could be best friends? I will keep it real on the east coast for you.

Keep loving mermaids with me!

Lydia said...

I love your work and I adore seeing new blog posts from you, especially the ones where you chatter about work and are just excited to be doing things in general! You've been a serious inspiration for me for these past few years (since I found your blog lol). My dream is to work for Disney one day!

Erin Connally said...

So, I just spent the last hour looking through all your posts over the last ten years. Is it 3 A.M. in France? Yep.

Thank you for being so diligent and keeping up your work. I have a thousand questions that I would love to ask you, but maybe an email would better suffice. I am currently looking into the animation world after years of being solely a fine artist, and I love how you blend the two.

Your work is beautiful!

Aurea said...

Brittney hello , I'm a big fan of Mary Blair , its colors and its simple but charming appearance . To me you are a family member from her and sometimes I think that she chose you to be reincarnated .

Your style is vintage without being old , modern without much artifice and surprising as you do with the scissors.

I 'm on Instagram , but I like to read what you feel or failures and errors that while share your achievements.

I started to draw by computer now , I have three children and I can not do things by hand, I like to see and read
about the work of other artists I admire, see how they evolve through the years.

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Unknown said...

I LOVE your blog :)

I have been following you for years! I found your work a couple years ago for a college project and I use your Confetti book for inspiration.

I was wondering if you offer any classes/private lessons; either for illustration or paper crafting?

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Unknown said...

So glad I discovered your blog! I would love to see some start-to-finish work. From the beginning to your in-progress work as well as a finished piece. Whatever you end up posting will be amazing. Love what you're doing; so inspiring!

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