Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Harry Potter Tribute Show: Introduction to the Owlry

I am definitely a Potter fan. When the nice folks at Gallery Nucleus asked me if I would be interested in participating in a Harry Potter Tribute Show that would take place one week before the final film opened, I must confess that I had to suppress a squeal of joy. It was really difficult for me to choose what to illustrate, but in the end there were two moments that I decided to try to capture.

This first piece is my take on little Harry introducing his Snowy Owl, Hedwig, to the Owlry at Hogwarts. I thought it would be fun to illustrate these two unlikely friends, as well as all of the different owl personalities that shuttle messages to and from Hogwarts.

The Harry Potter Tribute Show opens this Saturday, July 9th at 7pm at Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, CA. You can see all of the crazy show details right here!

I have one more Potter piece that I will post before the show. Have a great week, and I hope to see you on Saturday!


JennySRP said...

ohh sooo wonderful!

Bec said...

So gorgeous! Sigh I can't believe the final film comes out next week.

Unknown said...

Ohhhh this is beautiful! I love the array of owls. :)

Huge fan of your work!

annie [pretty♥please] said...

Love it!

David Au said...


Goro Fujita said...

Oh my gwaaad! Brittney...have I ever told you that you're awesome? :P

Oskar Iglesias said...


Marie Bower said...

I've been waiting to see what you did for the show and I am not disappointed! Love it!

Gabby Zapata said...

I'm so amused every time! Beautiful work as always! I can't wait to see the final film!


Great! He is sooooo cute! ^_^

Sarah M. said...

The colors are wonderful, but the little guy with the tilted head just makes this piece for me. ^_^

Anonymous said...


Lynnetta said...

Cute cute cute!!

Hyla said...


Anonymous said...

This is amazing!!! Such talent. First time visitor from Pinterest.

Unknown said...

Why am I not surprised that you chose the owlry? The texture in the robes is a nice touch.

Karla said...

This is gorgeous! :D You are SO talented!

Gerald Guerlais said...

Very Nice Brittney !

Unknown said...

beautiful as always! love potter ><

Celtic Traveler said...

Lovely, as always :)

Andrea Pucci said...

Very, very nice, as usuall!

Jon Lankry said...

i really really love your work
it's very impressive
i wish i could buy one of yours one day :)

Sze Kei said...

I LOVE this!!! just wonderful! ^_^

Meg said...

Wow, this is wonderful! I love it.

A-T-G said...

Oh, I WANT this one!!

Katie Adams said...

Amazing! Another lovely piece!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! I love that you shot it on the animation table too!

Giuseppe Bianco said...

Amazing, as always.

Bearly Sane said...

Wonderful Brittney, great balance of colours and full of appeal.

Emerson Fialho said...

Sem palavras para descrever a grandeza e beleza do teu trabalho, Brittney... Parabéns e te desejo muito sucesso e grandes realizações.

Abraço cordial.

Emerson Fialho

Lesley Vamos said...

so beyond awesome I can barely contain myself!

Steph said...

Wow! I am so impressed - as always. This is one of my favorite pieces I've seen done for the HP tribute collection.

Goldie said...

Your pieces are so beautiful !!! Bravo !

Anonymous said...

you are realy great! im so happy to be able to watch your art...:) and this one is realy so nice, i like every detail of owls :)

Unknown said...

:D :D :D sooo good!

Brynn Metheney said...

This is just so great. SO great!!!

Julia Orr said...

This is beautiful!

Suzan Kim said...

oh man, you need to make stickers out of those owls! i would want every single one of'm! beautiful work!

Caro said...

Amazing work!

L. Bashover said...

Your paper cuts are glorious! Finding your blog made my day today, so thank you so much for that :)
Keep up the beautiful work! Also, I would absoutely have bid on this piece if it wasn't already at over seven hundred dollars!

kalonji said...

SIMPLY superb !!

Kathryn said...

wonderful, both pieces are amazing :)

Adam said...

Love your stuff!

Sharack said...

Your stuff is awesome.

Lise said...

AMAZING as usual !!!

Daron Leah Nefcy said...

wow! love the potter pieces!

Karisa said...

So Beautiful !!! I love it Brit ;D

artida said...

Brittney, your artwork is amazing! Love it :)

Anaïs Kilitslis said...

Oh My GOD ! So pretty, so sweet! I want an Owl like that ! (and make a cuddle to harry because he was sooooo cuuute

(sorry for my bad english i'm french)

Morgan said...

This is wonderful!!!!

SDiB said...

oh my gosh I WANT it!!

Rhi x

Smoki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


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AdrielLovesArt said...


Bouli said...

If you can go on my blog that will be wonderful! ^^

Lynn said...

I was drawn to your blog because of this piece and have now scrolled through the whole thing. I can not get enough of your work! I'm not usually a fan of art in general, but yours makes me smile, and introduced me to Gallery Nucleus, which is amazing. I can not thank you enough.

Fratuk said...

ohhh i love it!^___^

Anonymous said...

not a big hp fan but oh man, SOO CUTE! (>//<)''

Unknown said...

Very nice character design
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Ben said...

Do you have prints/pieces for sale? I stumbled across this blog, and I think it's great!


e. said...

In love with this.

zoe sugg in harry potter said...

I LOVE Harry Potter, and also have the Lego set!! :D I recently made a review on Harry Potter as well! :)

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