Sunday, April 26, 2009

Quickie Sketch and Character Design!

A Saturday evening sketch for everyone out there. I saw a woman wearing a similar coat a few months ago, and I loved it because the ruffles in the back reminded me of flower petals.

In other news: Yours truly has an interview up on the Character Design blog! Woohoo! You should go check it out if you have the chance. Be sure to read some of the other incredible interviews as well. I am humbled to be in such good company :)

I will try to get something up tomorrow to make my quota for the week. Ta ta for now!


Ewgene said...
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Ewgene said...

Very nice work! I like these fokls on her dress! And her cunning face is very good drawn! I like your style!

Alex Ristevski said...

Hey, I saw your interview on the character design blog. Just stop by to say I think your work is amazing :D

Steffi Schütze said...

Hi! I read you character design interview, too. I'm absolutely blown away by your work and the variety of it! Very inspiring!

Gabriele Antonini said...

Completely captured by your beautiful arts. Gabriele


Brittney, what I think is almost as lovely as your illustration is that the form of a coat stayed in your head for over a month! I love that.

Thanks for all the great work you've shared with us (the blogosphere). It makes any day brighter just to see you've posted.

Nixnotz said...

Very nice work, J'adore...

Lindsay said...

what a sassy little thing. she's got nice legs :) she looks like the kind of girl you'd wanna be friends with but she wouldn't have it... because she's too cool.

david kow said...

beautiful as hell!!

Kassandra Heller said...

You're work is wonderful!!

Unknown said...

just got here from the Character Design blog. I love your drawings!

Tooninator said...

wonderful interview over the the character design blog. Very Very inspiring, just like your artwork.

RAWLS said...

Great work Brittney!!

Brittney Lee said...

Thanks everybody! I really appreciate you guys stopping by my little blog:)

Desiree said...

lovely illustration! Such nice colours :)
congratz on your interview too!

orange said...

hey britanny..beautiful work here !! really love the bird designs posted below. great appealing.

got a chance to read the interview over at character design..really cool..and WHOA ..thanks for the props..that's so nice to hear!!

Gillian Comerford said...

Wow! Your work is so beautiful. Full of movement and energy, not to mention the colours and character of it all too!!! So glad your were interviewed on the characterdesign blog. I'm delighted to have been able to see your art.

Anonymous said...

OMG - I´m speecless! You are excellent. I love your work! If there´s such a thing as karma you must have done something splendid already in your previous life. Wishing you all the best! Greetings from Minni (Tampere, Finland)

Bobby Pontillas said...

This sketch is gorgeous. Her attitude, the shapes, the feel of the texture. All appeal to me!

Matt Williames said...

amazing and beautiful work!

Chan Ghee Leow said...

This is an awesome blog! The mermaids make my head spin!

Jessica said...

hey girl!!!
If I was able to send you something by end of day monday would you be able to do something with it???

Dan szilagyi said...

I just read your interview on characterdesign and it's great!
You really have a good taste for color, and i like that animator-ish style in your work.

Keep up the amazing work!


Liana said...

Wow..your drawing is so pretty..I love her skinniness..

craig said...

really beautiful work here

robi pena said...

Hi Brittney :-))!! Beautiful blog and your works are amazing, love you style, congratulations!!! Cheers ^^

Fabian Molina said...

Beautiful work! I stumbled apon this blog just recently and its definitely become one of my usual favorites. Your gestures have so much life. There great!

chromasketch said...

nice drawing.. wow, that's digital?

Jason Norton said...

Wow really beautiful work!!

ilPiccioneGrasso said...

Great designs and colours!!

Saud Boksmati said...

Lovely Blog, Great Work

Márley Floripa said...

Wonderful... your draws are so very nice... I liked...
Visit my blog and coment.

best resgards


roger moore said...

yea! amazing draws ,i like your stile n_n

Gulzar said...

loved it! and congo on your interview!

Shyam S. Deshpande said...

thanx for the inspiration !!!

Sam Nielson said...

Really nice work, all of it.

Mike Jones said...

WoW, your work is really inspiring!

Jose Saenz said...

I just found your art today through the character design blog...I am an instant fan! I love it all. Thanks for the inspiration.

-Jose S.

Ken said...

stunning design!

Dawras said...

I liked your work!!! Well-done!!!

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