Sunday, April 05, 2009

Just a Little Somethin'

I'm really sorry about the lack of anything exciting here for the last few weeks. I'm working really hard on a few projects and just haven't had time to come up for air. The good news is that I should be back to posting regularly very soon. Until then, here is a plain ol' sketch of some crazy birds. Have a great week!


RAWLS said...

Great birds Britt! Nice shapes!

Melissa said...

No worries, life can get in the way of art all to often.

Love the boids though - so adorable and full of personality!

Unknown said...

Nice. I love seeing your roughs.

Vanhoozerbot said...

Rockin awesome.
Great character in each one.


MrBibleHead said...

Wow! What a great variety! Love each one!!!! Great work Brittney....again!

Klem said...

Cute birds. I really like the differences you made so that each bird is unique!! Look forward to seeing more of your drawings.

victoriaying said...

wow! You're incredible!

Craig Mackay said...

Beautiful blog, Brittney! Amazing and inspiring art.

sabby3481 said...

I just saw your work on Cold Hard Flash. Really beautiful stuff!

Liana Hee said...

These characters are so cool fav is that mean looking one on the bottom left and that Flamingo in the middle. :D

Kyle Poling said...

its nice to see your sketches, love the pencil work. Please post more like these, great job!

Erwin Madrid said...

Hi Brittney, It's cool to have met you at sketchcrawl the other day. Your work is awesome and I am linking you up if you don't mind. Thanks!

Erik D. Martin said...

Really lovely bird sketches!

Paco said...

Wow. Just discovered your blog. Great work! Wonderful bird designs!

Jason Pruett said...


najgorzej said...

I like it, very very very!!!!!!!!!!!

Daniela Uhlig said...

believe me, from now I´m your biggest fan!!!

Genevieve Tsai said...

Your colorful banner pic of these crazy-cute birds is one of my favorites! I would love to buy a print of this if you have it available in the future!


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