I've had this Fabriano for at least the last six months, but I haven't paid much attention to it. I still have a few pages left to fill in my Fabriano from last year and have been slacking on my figure drawing attendance which is the bulk of what I put in these babies. But today my new one got a shiny new cover/binding! Hooray! Fabrianos typically have pretty flimsy covers, so I took some scrap board and fabric and gave it a little extra protection and style.

And in honor of the new look of the outside of the book, I thought I should probably display a bit of the inside. Here is a little watercolor of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Having the opportunity to paint this remarkable place was really a dream come true.

And here is a teeny-tiny color study I did this evening for my next Hawaiian goddess painting. I would have liked to spend a bit more time on her this weekend, but I have been busy with a few other projects. More on her to come, but until then, have a happy week!
ooh, never heard of fabriano journals- just looked them up. Love that they come with different colored pages- will have to get that for my next sketchbook me thinks! : D (ps- love the hula girl!)
Nice paintings here!
Beautiful, inspiring work.
Your color studies are so great.
I am a fan!
Great stuff! I love the simplicity in all your drawings - a friend of mine got me one of your prints for christmas (Shhh) and I've been a fan ever since!
Amazing stuff! Great colour and love the designs. The mermaids below are very beautiful!
i saw alll yo beautiful drawings
n love them all
u make it so details
n i just love the way the characters body portion n movement
its look like the gestures r interacting...
Needs feathers! Just kidding. I rather like the spots of color everywhere. :)
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