Thursday, January 31, 2008

IF: Tales and Legends

Rapunzel was one of my favorite fairy tales when I was little. I guess I thought she and I had a lot in common with the super long fair hair and all. Luckily I have never had anyone try to climb on mine. I imagine that would be quite painful.

I have some more wordy posts in the works, but it is late here and I am off to bed. Until next time, have a great Thursday everybody! Enjoy.


Kev Levell said...

Lovely stuff. The rendering of Rapunzel's hair is great. I really like the picture book texture also. Bookmarked!

siukwankitchen said...

what's a pretty illo! I hope her prince will come sooooon! And I love most of the classical tales including this of course!

Kristi Valiant said...

Love the texture in the background and her long neck and hopeful eyes.

Mike Boldt said...

Wow! First time on your site and it's a beauty. This IF sketch is so full of character - perfect for the stories depiction of her!

Keep it going!


Unknown said...

Good textures, i love your character and stylization. Great job.

Alanna said...

This is of the best I have seen in a long time. I love it!!!

Rui Sousa said...

Great illustratin, nice!

janie said...

gorgeous piece, sweet and whimsical.
I used to worry about poor Rapunzel's head too, it had to be painful!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful!
Well done ! Wow

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Utterly rockin! Everything works perfectly in wondrous harmony.

Anonymous said...

I like it. Nice colours.

milanrubio said...

Warm and cute illo.
I like it!

Zari said...

what can i say???'s amazing! she is beautiful, love the hair, and the layout, lighting and textures are awesome...i love it!

Diandra Mae said...

I second everything everyone has said. :) She's gorgeous, and the light sure does help enhance her mood. She doesn't look lonely though, more hopeful. A happy Rapunzel. Great work.

Patrick said...

Lovely as always. Great textures.

P.L. Frederick said...

So light and airy. Your drawing skills are superb.

P.L. Frederick (SMALL & big)

Christophe said...

Wow lovely piece, very nice character and colours!

Dan Shultz said...

Excellent illustration, blog is fun to peruse.

Unknown said...

i absolutely love this one! one of my favorites to date.

Angela Matteson said...

Gorgeous! I love the colors. :)

Regina said...

LOVE the whimsy in your interpretation. Original way to represent her hair. It reminds me of when a prisoner ties sheets together to make a rope.

tusen said...

very stylish. Great background texture, too. And her pose is very nice.

Anonymous said...

L'ensemble de votre travail est vraiment beau... Très joli coup de crayon !!!

Bobo said...

An enchanting piece, like the colors, it's sweet and creamy.

price per head service said...

I really admire this, I mean it really looks interesting! Very nice write up. Anyways, its a Great post.

kitty said...

I am mad about your rock it!