Thursday, February 05, 2009

Girlhack Work In Progress

Girlhack Work in Progress from Brittney Lee on Vimeo.
I just realized that I never posted any of my artwork from this project. My good friend Meg came to me (nearly two years ago now!) with the idea of doing a video podcast for all things geeky, techie, and girlie. She asked me if I would like to animate the opening, and ofcourse I said yes. We have both been super busy since then, but I managed to get the opening for "Girlhack"near completion a while back. Since it is a Flash swf exported as a quicktime movie, there are some dropped frames and compression problems at the moment. But not to worry! I ran in to similar problems while creating the landing page video for Whirled and know what to do to fix these issues, but it is a pretty time consuming process and I just decided that it is fine as is for now. There is also one background missing, so when you see it just pretend that it is a huge shopping mall :)

On a bit of a sad note, I am no longer a Three Rings employee as of yesterday. Times are tough, and even totally awesome game studios are feeling the pinch. I wish all who are still aboard the Nautilus the very best. And hopefully this means that I will be posting more frequently, at least for the time being...

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. wow that is really nice

  2. great appeal brit.. there were times i forgot it was flash! so sorry to hear about the job - on to bigger/better things

  3. Wow - this is wonderful. Sorry to hear about your layoff, but I'm sure your talent will bring you another fun job.

  4. this looks great,readlly attractive. You'd be fantastic doing advertisements :)

  5. lovely animation! great design and movement... sorry about the layoff, seriously- you're so talented! Just keep busy doing your art, and the jobs will find you :D stay positive!

  6. Nice! The tron effect is my favorite!

  7. Really beautiful stuff here Brittney! Keep up the great work my friend!

  8. this is frickin' sweet! i used to be in love with the e-surance chick, but she has now been reduced to the cheese that's left in the bottom of a taco bell wrapper after finishing a really good gordita. this is definitely the gordita.

  9. How do you fix the dropped frames issue? I usually import the SWF file into after effects and that seems to work, just wondering how you do it.

  10. Jake, as a fan of Taco Bell and a fan of cheese, I resent your remark about the bottom wrapper cheese shreds(or BWCS as i call it) as being something less desirable. Granted I do believe that Erin Esurance is rubish compared to this new Flash Diva, but I don't think it's fair to drag BWCS through the mud. It is the part of my meal that I look forward to the most. It is what makes my enjoyment last that extra bit longer when my gordita is long gone.

  11. Wow you are an amazing animator. I really love that video. Nice work.

    Sorry to hear about Three Rings. I noticed that Bill R. commented that he got laid off too. How many people did they let go? All artists?

  12. Hey Brittney,
    Just saw your 'Girlhack' animation on C.H.F., really really nice stuff! Did you design and animate it? its really smooth lookin. Plenty of shape tweens? lol.
    Rob from Ireland.

  13. Hi Brittney,

    your clip is well done. It conveys character, a story, and great design in less than 30 seconds. Impressive!

  14. Great animation!! Saw it on Cold Hard Flash. Keep it up!

  15. fabulous work! Geeks are the best - So who do you work for, or are you just freelance? I see you're in pixarville :) and you have a few pixar ppl's blogs. This is great stuff - looove your style and design.

  16. I love your animation! Do you have any more shorts to share with your blog readers and fans?

    I found your work on Etsy and I just love your style! I've been blogging all about it!

  17. sebagian dari Kamu mungkin belum mengidentifikasi minuman khas dari Jawa Barat ini. Ini merupakan minuman karakteristik khas Jawa Barat, yang cocok dimakan dikala siang hari. Minuman yang memberikan kesegaran dari berbagai jenis bahan yang bisa dibuat sendiri, mulai dari potongan honkwe, tape singkong, alpukat, kolang kaling, kelapa muda kerok, serta tape gelap.

    Lagi buat kuahnya mengenakan campuran santan, susu, serta air kelapa. Buat nikmat minuman ini, spesialnya dikala Kamu terdapat di daerah Jawa Barat, tidak terlau sulit, minuman ini banyak dipasarkan di dagang kaki 5, ataupun di beberapa restoran khusus.
