Well hello there.
I'm briefly coming up for air after a few months that felt like one mad-dash to several simultaneous finish lines. CTN-X is officially over and did not disappoint (thank you to all who came out and said hello and gave me so many hugs!), and next weekend all of the Lovely girls are getting together at Wonderground Gallery in Downtown Disneyland for a special artwork release and book signing! I managed to just barely finish a couple of new pieces for that event - more to come on that shortly!
And then lastly but not least(ly), we have the girls.
I have to be honest - I've been completely overwhelmed with the response to these calendars. I am so grateful to everyone who has given me such wonderful feedback, and so I'm really trying to make sure that everyone who wants one can get one. We upped the Calendar Girl edition number this year to 500 (which is why I need to make this post brief - gotta get back to work!) and most of them will be going online in batches through the month of December. I will post a solid release schedule sometime next week, but I wanted to let everyone know that the first batch will go up in the Etsy shop on Monday, November 30th at 10am PST.
To recap for anyone who is unfamiliar, the Calendar Girls were an experimental project that David and I started two years ago, and we got such great feedback that we decided to continue with them as a yearly project. The concept is simple: A monthly desk calendar that is basically a paper doll. The stand is made from maple plywood in the form of a girl, and every new month is a page with a different outfit. While all of the pages are the same for each calendar, each stand/girl is hand stained, painted, and completely unique. The class of 2015 will contain 500 girls, all hand numbered, signed, and ready to go!
And for those of you who managed to snag one of the last two editions of the girls, we will be selling the new 2016 Wardrobe Refill Pack in the shop! These refills are specifically for those of you who have purchased the calendars in the past - Each of the new 2016 girls come with their own set of dresses included. I will also be putting the wardrobe packs up in the shop on Monday morning.
And for those of you who managed to snag one of the last two editions of the girls, we will be selling the new 2016 Wardrobe Refill Pack in the shop! These refills are specifically for those of you who have purchased the calendars in the past - Each of the new 2016 girls come with their own set of dresses included. I will also be putting the wardrobe packs up in the shop on Monday morning.
Thank you again to all of you who take the time to travel over to this space when posts are so few and far between. I could not be more grateful for the support that I receive from all of you, and as a little thanks, I'm going to be putting a sale on in the shop from now through Monday. Everything in the shop will be 10% off - just use the coupon code GRATEFUL at checkout. And as always, keep an eye on twitter and instagram for the most up-to-date info!
Have a happy and safe holiday everyone!
I've always loved these calendars!! I hope I can snag one this year, it would look so cute in my new studio space!!!
AHHHH! So excited :D This is my year!
Our Calendar Girl is from 2014! A sassy brunette who needs a sister. Last year she had to settle for a new wardrobe (what girl would complain about THAT?!?) but this year we'll see if we can't 'adopt' a friend! You're just the BEST, Brittney! Big hugs from Ohio!
Wow! 500 what work! Thank you, thank you very much! I also hope that this will be my year too !!
So happy to have these back with 500, unfortunately can't afford them with the price raise. Hopefully some day I will.
I can't believe i missed them already! What a bummer!
Goodness! Indecisiveness is my enemy right now! I clicked the one I wanted and then the next second it was gone!!! T___T ROUND 2 I'm gonna be so fast! Congrats on everyone loving your work so much that it sells out!! Cant wait for round 2!!! :D
Woo hoo! I got one! Happy Holidays!
I got number 96!! She's so beautiful and classic--I feel like she was made for me; she reminds me a little of my grandmother. Thank you so much for working so hard to make so many!! Your work is so inspiring.
no more calendar girls?
It's the third year I try to get one without lucky! :-(
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