Wednesday, March 02, 2011

A Commission and a Con

With so much going on, I really haven't had much time to do commission work since I made my way down to Los Angeles. This was the last piece that I was able to work on, and I just realized that I had never posted photos of it. So here you go! It was a lot of fun to work on, especially the leaf/ornamental detail in the back.

I do love me some birds.

And just for kicks, I held the finished piece up to a back light. It got the inspirational wheels turning. Perhaps some lampshade designs in my future?


I also wanted to let everybody know that I will be spending this coming weekend in Seattle at the Emerald City Comic Con! Miss Liana Hee and I are sharing booth #1004, and it is going to be a good time. Please come say hello if you can!


Junko Miyakoshi said...

Another amazing piece!!
You never seem to stop astonishing me! :)


Birdie Tam said...

Beautiful piece! Looks amazing with light coming through the back

Cassie said...

Fantastic color and composition, as always. I've followed your blog for a while, but this is my first time commenting. I dabble in cut paper and I was wondering the scale of your work. To comfortably get the kind of detail, I figured your pieces would have to be a bit on the larger side. Great work! Congrats on getting that Tangled job by the by!

Katy Hargrove said...

You make the best paper stuff ever Brittney. Can't wait for ECCC.

Denny said...

Incredible, amazing, awesome, fantastic!!!

Sze Kei said...

Beautiful as always!!! Can't wait to see some of those light design ideas! ^_^

Marloes de Vries said...

Looks amazing! I'm always so stunned by your work!

Emerson Fialho said...

Lindo trabalho, parabéns!
Felicidades e muito sucesso!

Cassandra said...

Those are gorgeous! There is so much talent and skill in those and they are really gorgeous!! I love your colours as well!

Gabby Zapata said...

These are beautiful! :)The lamp idea would be amazing. Imagine if you did a variation on Tangled with the floating lanterns and the lamp idea :)! It would be awesome!

N.Hall said...

beautiful as always


Brit- My sister loved the work and it's hung lovingly in the middle of her creative space.

I met Bill Perkins today and he had some great things to say about your H&G work.

I hope to see you again soon.

Goldie said...

It is so beautiful ! I really like your work, both papercut and paintings...

Heather Sisson said...

This is so incredibly beautiful. Your such an inspiration! :)

Bearly Sane said...

Just beautiful, gorgeous use of colour and I love the silhouette.
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio

Jon Thomson said...

Awesome as always. See you at the Con this weekend. Looking forward to meeting Liana as well.

Jeni said...

Lucky me, I am the new owner of this piece! I was surprised and delighted when I saw it as your post today.
It is such a cheerful piece, and it does just that for me, it's a little dose of cheer each time I look up and see it above my desk.
Thank you Brittney.

Xavier Yabut said...

Awesome work! I like the whole lighting idea. Great work!

Lady Elara said...

I wasn't planning on going to ECCC, but you going as changed my mind.

Unknown said...

Simply outstanding detail! I would certainly like a lamp featuring this kind of design.

Uli Meyer said...


Carol said...

You create such elegant, inspiring, and beautiful work! I always look forward to your posts and seeing your new art.

Mabissa said...

Lampshades would be awesome, send your link to the people at The Land of Nod, they'd give you a contract in no time!

Johanna Enriquez Hui said...

Beautiful work!

Anaïs Kilitslis said...

It's very pretty! You are a real fairy with paper!

Unknown said...

I always wait impatiently for a new post from you, and I am never dissapointed when a new one comes along.
You are truly a great inspiration to me!

Anonymous said...

Someone blogged about you.

Ruby Chen said...

I've always love your paper work! this is truly beautiful =)

Samanta Erdini said...

Hi Brit!! Amazing!! I adore you girl! I added you on my artist list here in my blog! I don´t know If you remenber me, I´m the girl from Comic con! Thanks for share this!! I wish I can be like you someday!
Adoring you. Samy

Unknown said...

I just found your blog yesterday and I am so glad that I did! Your work is AMAZING! I even posted about you over on my blog today! :)

Mark said...

amazing blog.. so much character

Tim Blair said...

I definitely think you should partner up with Robert Sabuda and make some pop-up books. Really fantastic work! Keep it up.

Nadia ( said...

Stunning! Even backlit, such a beautiful project! You are such great inspiration!

KATia Grifols said...

super cool!!!! :)

LDahl said...

Luscious! I find cut paper art so exquisite, it is amazing what you do!

Adam said...

Your birds are awesome! Great stuff :D

Ng Yuan Li said...

Hi! A few days back, my friend shared a link with me and it's your blog, and I felt very inspired while looking through your posts! So I went to take out my little sketch book and started drawing some stuffs. I hope you like it! But I have no idea how to show it to you D: So I posted it on my tumblr ~

If you have the time please take a look! :D

Tel Coelho said...

Your works are VERY GOOD!!

andillustrations said...

great work!

nideep said...

mindblowing stuff here brittney!

Anonymous said...

Really fantastic artwork.

Sandra Loke said...

very beautiful piece. My teacher Nancy Bieman talked highly of you in my 2nd year at Sheridan. I really like your film :)

Starline said...

These are so fantastic! Is there anyway you can do a tutorial for a super basic piece?

Or could you recommend any how-to paper craft books/tutorials?

e●cinder said...

I love your works so much!

Dan Barrett said...

Truly inspirational work. Your whole gallery is just amazing.

Brandon Kallmes said...

Wow! I am just blown away by your work. Such a breath of fresh air!

WOW Gold said...

I figured your pieces would must be considered a touch for the bigger side
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