Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Part of that...

A few months ago, artists at the studio were given canvases and asked to create a piece of artwork based on any one of the 50 Disney animated features that inspires us. Once finished, these canvases will be sold at a charity auction later this year. I will pass along the details as soon as I have them, but for now I thought I would post a few photos of my finished piece:)

My inspirational film of choice is (of course) The Little Mermaid. I knew that I wanted to work with paper for this piece, but I also wanted to utilize the large (18"x36") canvas that was given to me. After a little experimentation, I decided to cut the canvas to be the top foreground elements while its wooden frame serves as a perfect support for the inner layers of paper. The construction was tricky, but in the end I think everything turned out okay (and should stay in place)!

When I make original artwork for gallery shows, I am often asked if it is difficult for me to part with it. My answer is almost always the same: if I know going into the making of a piece that it will be sold, I don't have a problem letting go of it when the time comes.

Well, this one may be the exception.

Have a lovely week, everyone! More updates soon!


1 – 200 of 367   Newer›   Newest»
Ness said...

Amazing, I love your job!

Zeitwolf said...

it's wonderful!
how did you get the canvas to be that stiff?

Roland MacDonald said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I am really WOWed by this. Beautiful

Shane Smith said...

Your sense of design is stunning - the flowing shapes are almost mesmerising!

Ms.S said...

I Absolutely LOVE the Little mermaid.
I love, love, love, love, love x100 this!! I wish I hv them.

great work

Zane Yarbrough said...

wow brittney I thank this is one of my favorite pieces of your to date, great stuff

Marloes de Vries said...

Wow, this is just beyond amazing! The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie and this is so good! Wonderful job!

Paco said...

Absolutely stunning!

Meg Park said...

Too beautiful! What a great project, it must be so exciting to go back and draw from the classics. I loved your Lion King canvas too :D

Oskar Iglesias said...


Pernille Ørum-Nielsen said...

I am absolutly amazed!!!!

It is lovely...!

Miss-Manitas said...

WOOOOOOW what a beatiful piece!! I really love your work. The Little Mermaid is my favorite animation film, and I think this is great and wonderful tribute. I'm already waiting for your next post :D

Maria Bogade said...

WOW!!! This si so Beautiful, Brittney! I wouldn't be able to give this one away!

Laisanen said...

There's no words to describe how wonderfull this is. Incredible work! :)

Sze Kei said...

This is just too beautiful!!!
Absolutely wonderful!

Unknown said...

Amazing. I love the palette!

Angel said...


Jamie Corcoran said...

Absolutely stunning piece. I've never seen anything so well rendered and well designed based on a Disney Film. You are an artistic genius. Brovo & Encore.

Please give further details on the auction.

Kate Madalene said...

Haha, the music started playing in my head as I looked at these. This piece is absolutely gorgeous, I wish the whole movie could be redone in this style.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with your blog :) ♥♥♥

Gabby Zapata said...

Oh my goshhhhhh. I am so speechless. This is amazzzingggggg! Woah!

Katya Bowser said...

OMG I LOVE IT!!! its beautiful :) I love love love the little mermaid.

Matt McKirby said...

Well you are crazy....
Amazing. Im stunned.

Tara Rose Stromberg said...

You just made my inner child squeal with happiness.

This is beyond words.

charmaine said...

Such a stunning piece, amazing details. Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie.

Heather Dixon said...

This is so beautiful

Alisa said...

Your cut paper work is so fabulous and this may be my favorite yet. So beautiful, great composition and color sense! Little Mermaid was one of my favorite Disney films too. I hope whoever bids on it appreciates it as well!

Britni Brault said...

Brittney, I love it so much, great job!!!!

Brittney said...

INCREDIBLE! It's beyond words!

Melissa said...

Fantastic! While the Little Mermaid is one of my least favorite Disney movies, you've really captured something mythic and wonderful about it. I'm sure someone will love to have this in their home.

Liana Hee said...

This is perfect <3

Carrie Liao said...

holy crap, this is gorgeous!

Whoever ends up with it will be a very lucky person :)

Sab said...

just beautiful ! ^_^

Unknown said...

This is so beautiful ! The details are perfect. Just wow :D

Emerson Fialho said...

Fantástico trabalho! Parabéns!
Muito lindo.

Abraço cordial.

Logan Pearsall said...

This blows me away! Thank you so much for sharing your work!

Marie Bower said...

WOW! I Love it! Ariel is still my favorite 20 years later, with Simba coming in at a close second so I love your Lion King cutout too! :D

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful-
do you know where one could see the other artists' canvases, this is amazing!

Sam Nielson said...

I'm a little embarrassed by how much I like this. Wow!

Unknown said...

Gee, how'd I know you'd pick TLM? I am so impressed at the large scale on this one, that's a lot of space to fill with your usual lavish detailing. Wish I could see this in-person! Will you be up north for WonderCon btw?

Zar Galstyan said...

This is perfect...that's all!

Jon Thomson said...

This is really stunning. You captured that scene perfectly.

Unknown said...

Awesome, love it!

Giuseppe Bianco said...

It really is ridiculous how talented you are. I love "The Little Mermaid". This is another beautifully detailed piece done in your trademark unique style.

Heather Farrington said...

wooooww... words can't really describe how phenomenal this is 0_o

Unknown said...

Amazing! I would have a hard time parting with this too! :)

Frank Forte said...

very cool!

Lady Elara said...

Jag dropping beautiful. If I ever had the chance to see it in person I don't think I'd be able to walk away.

Tapan Gandhi said...

Brittney.. I'm speechless.

Honestly, this may be my favourite piece that you've ever done.. and I can just imagine how breathtaking it is in person.

Love it and love you!

straykat said...

This is astonishing. You are amazing - and I do hope you realise that your art inspires so many people.

Thank you.

Ashleymarie Sey said...

This is exquisite. You continue to inspire! <3 I love the color choices and shapes.

RAWLS said...

Uh... wow.
That's fantastic Brit!!

ShanCourser said...

Holy cow, this is so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

My God how lovely.

Lamont Hunt said...

Brittney...simply AMAZING! I wish you could do more "inspired" pieces like this. but I do know I look forward to seeing your work in the next Disney "art of.." book! Inspiring stuff for me..makes me wanna leave the computer and pick up a pencil!

Jez Tuya said...

Do you know how awesome you are?? that's right. VERY. :)

Junko Miyakoshi said...


Andrew Manzanares said...

oh my gosh, you are INCREDIBLE! You have the best cut-out pieces I've ever seen! Mermaid is my all-time favourite Disney feature and you've really captured the essence of the film in this piece. Very very good work!

Craig Mackay said...

So so so beautiful, Brittney!

Peggy said...

A-MA-ZING !!!!!!!
your work is always a big great surpise !

Mélanie said...

WOAW so Beautiful work! I love!!!

Unknown said...

this is absolutely beautiful, the paper engineering and sense of design and unremarkable.

Unknown said...

This is absolutely fantastic! The Little Mermaid has been a favorite of mine since childhood as well.

Kendra Melton said...

So pretty!

louis THOMAS said...

it's stunning. love the colors and shapes!

Eunjung June Kim said...

love it!

Lise said...

I wish I could have it at home ! It is so beautiful, and it is one of my favorite disney, you just made an amazing mermaid, thanks a lot for showing it to us, it makes me dream...

Bonnie Branson said...

Beautiful as usual!

Anaïs Kilitslis said...

It is very very wonderful!
I'm totally Fan of your job <3

and all the details ...Wow wow WOW !

Unknown said...


Anthony VanArsdale said...

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen!!! very inspiring!


Gaëlüs said...

Juste a little comment to say, that your work is amazing, i love it. When i see your work i have a lot of ideas, your univers is a source of inspiration.Thank you for this beautiful picture.

Unknown said...

I know you are flooded with praise for all of your amazing works, and this is no exception! I'll have to find you at a convention to ask you in more depth about your process. Thank you for the delicious eye candy!

lauren said...

this is stunning. lucky duck to whoever gets it for keeps!

Chris Battle said...

Whoah.... AMAZING.

Daisy Church said...

i thought i commented on this already, but man, BEAUTIFUL!!! : D you've really outdone yourself, lady!

Unknown said...

waou, just terrific.
In french i would say "ca tue!"

Kristine said...

Wow! Absolutely fantastic!

Dani said...


Sang Lee said...

absolutely gorgeous. absolutely. (clapping in real life) haha

turcios curriculum said...

fantástico arte!

Hannah said...

Wow Brittney - your art is sooooo inspirational! The Little Mermaid was the first Disney animated movie that I saw as a kid at the theatre, and it's always been my favourite (although I think that Tangled is now number one : )) Thanks so much for sharing your work!

Hesbell said...

beeeautiful! will you ever do a tutorial?

Cris said...

My little mermaid..The picture of my childhood ( my adolescence too )
Love your work.

Jason Norton said...

Beautiful piece Brittany!

KATia Grifols said...

Awesome! I really love your littles mermaid's work!!!

Elsa Chang said...

This is soooo gorgeous I can't even begin to describe how beautiful this is!

ameba verde said...

great job here!!
i really like what you do

Laura Hohman said...

Looks great Brittney! Love your work!

SeL said...

amazinz !!!!!!!!!!!! I love this work !!! realy it's fantastic !!!

k.mediani said...

Wowww.. This is very mesmerizing!!
Brilliant work, Brittney!!

Yasemin Baran said...

I think I'm in love!!! O_O
Your work is stunning and soooo gorgeous! I bow down to you <3 thank you for sharing the amazing art :)

Otavio Augusto said...

Muito lindo!!!

susannesbackgrounds said...

Wup di duu - I wonna be like you u uuh...

Anonymous said...

True genius! So inspired by this work. Its so wonderful!

margot said...


Lynnetta said...

This is simply breath taking. I would have a very difficult time parting with this piece too!

Adam said...

This is absolutely amazing. I love the positive and negative shapes, nice S- curve, great colors, great composition. Just spectacular!

Ramona said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loooove this soo much! Ariel is my absolute favorite! You captured her so well. I dont know how you do it! This is amazing!

JennySRP said...

Absolutely breath-taking! Thank you for sharing!

C.Deboda said...


Anonymous said...

your work is just AMAZING! =)
my eyes shine when I come here.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Lauren said...

My day has become infinitely better since I found your blog. Everything on here is magical and amazing and I am just so in love with all of it! I will be buying prints from your Etsy store for sure, everything is so beautiful! Thank you for creating it, it makes me so happy just to look at it :D

Maya Shavzin said...

wow, you just keep raising the bar time after time! how did you get to be so maazing?
can't wait for the tutoriaaaal :D

Kevin Stanton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin Stanton said...

I was referred to your work by a friend who knows that I do cut-paper as well. Your Ariel blows me away - gorgeous and intricate and magical.

It's incredible what you do with illustration. Very happy to have found your work.

Ron said...

Just beautiful! Wonderful work.

Mauricio Herrera said...


Karisa said...

WOW! This is probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!!!!! I absolutely Love, Love, Love it Brittney! Brilliant work :)


Peter Emmerich said...

Brittney, this is EXCEPTIONAL!

Love it!

April said...

my friend shared this with me on facebook; so beautiful I can't stand it! (not to mention it's my favorite movie, ever)

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunning piece, I love it!

I'm speachless, it's so beautiful!

Unknown said...

It's so Amazing!=)
I love Little Mermaid and your paper cutting arts are really attractive!

Keep up and wish you all the best!

miranda mcguire said...

holy shoot! this is amazing!

reub-envision said...


Edge said...

Absolutely stunning piece of work!

R. said...

I'm just completely gobsmacked. This is so bold and delicate and jaw-droppingly BEAUTIFUL. It looks like a lot of love has gone into it and oh, it's stunning. Thank you so much for sharing.

HopePrincess said...

Made this
based on it, hope you don't mind

Sheba said...

This is absolutely amazing! I wish I could own this piece! You are super talented!

Nicole said...

wow that is just amazing. I love it.

Chelsea G said...

Holy moly! Is this still for sale at all? I'd loooove to get it! :3

Dani said...

Your artwork is inspiring.

Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine L. said...

Has the auction happen yet? I love your work! =)

World Of Warcraft Gold said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I am actually WOWed by this. Beautiful
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Kat said...

This is stunning! I hope you don't mind me sharing it on my tumblr:

Laurin Crozier said...

Stunning! It's truly exciting to see how you've progressed over the years. Your work prior to working for Disney was already great, but it's evident that once you got going in the studio the creativity exploded into flight tenfold!! Keep the fires burning, girl!

Unknown said...

is there any way you would do a painting of this and have it available on your etsy shop? I would love to have a copy of this.


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Kelly Tindall said...

Hello! Lovely work but unfortunately you've been plagiarized:

C. said...

Oh this looks absolutely stunning!
I wonder if someone could create a music box this way...? Like the music box hidden beneath the layers?

Anonymous said...

@Kelly Tindall

The guy gives credit to this artist (he even put a link to the original art piece) and he said made it for his girlfriend not to sell it. Did you even read his description before jumping to the theft conclusion?

Anna said...

I saw your work for the first time, just speechless. I just can not see a lot on. Always wanted to do something like that, but I do not have much talent.

Anonymous said...

I saw your work for the first time, just speechless. I just can not see a lot on. Always wanted to do something like that, but I do not have much talent.

Anonymous said...

Wait I'm confused...
Is this you too?

miss aliice said...

This is AMAZING! Keep up the great work, I hope to see more and more of Disney related art work! Hopefully you can do a Stitch one sometime.. I absolutely love Stitch!

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Lumion Pro Crack breathes life very instantly into a sketch, 3Ds, Revit files and other different many more stylish effects. Helpful for pulling and pushing the building into an enhanced shape. Users can easily create videos, lightening the fast speed and also jaw-dropping images.

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