Ah, yes - the return of the mermaids:) I have been working on this piece in my spare moments for quite some time now, so I'm happy to finally be able to share it! I will have prints of this piece with me at CTN-X this weekend and they will also go up in the shop early next week.
This weekend's show is going to be completely packed with incredible talent, so if you can make it I highly recommend it! You can find me at Table 13 in the main hall, but if you are there you should go say hi to all of the other animation legends first. I will be around all weekend:)
I hope to see you there!
This is beautiful, Brittney! :) Mermaids are the best!
All i can say is love love love love LOVE it!
You're so talented... :)
Simple, beautiful.
Gorgeous!!! I'm going to CTN this weekend. I'll be sure to stop by and say hi. It's going to be so much FUN!
I love your illustrations they are really gorgeous!! I was checking out your etsy shop this morning too and your really have such a beautiful talent!!
Looking forward to finally seeing your work in the flesh :)
Very beautiful!
Oh my gosh so cute and adorable! Love the composition too! Very clever!
I agree: very beautiful!!!
love it ! ^_^
Hey Brittney! This looks great, as always. I look forward to seeing you at the conference! It's about time to run into each other again--seems like it was every week or so for a while!
So cute and pretty!
Want it!! :D
Stunning! love the approach, clean and concise :]
I love this scene! I'll be adding some of your prints to my Christmas list for sure :)
I'll be at CTN as well, no booth, just walking around and trying to scoop my jaw off the floor. I'm flying out tomorrow and am sooo looking forward to it!
I want one! I wish I coulda come but due to Thanksgiving the trip is a bit too much for me. I'll watch the store. Or hope for Christmas.
This is adorable!!! I cant stop looking at it!
Really, really wonderful as always.
I love the water. Pretty pretty.
Ohhh I love it!!!! :D
Oh wow, that is fantastic!
Que ilustração linda, parabéns!
A sutileza das cores, a composição da cena em si... Maravilhoso!
Meus parabéns mesmo!
I need to have this print. I seriously am in love.
AND, I miss you and Dave...can't wait for this weekend!!!
so much fun!
Your mermaid is SO awsome, so pretty and full of magic, I love it so much !!! ♥
Beautiful sense of storytelling here..and wonderfully executed
your work speaks to the hidden princess side in me. it is very inspiring.
Beautiful ! Love it and I am a big fan of vertical composition =)
you should cross-post this info over to the GDG blog! : D Beautiful work as always! be great to see you again- been too long!
I love mermaids!!! and I just love your work..
I wish I can join her. love it!
Wow! I'll mention your name to my friends at least 10 000 time tomorow... I am hooked! Great work!
I just found your site.. and your work is AMAZING!! I'm a follower now :) and I'm going to spread the word and get other people to come look too. Amazing, amazing stuff. I am in awe.
i love your works! they are very inspiring to me.
I love the magic you can give them and your style.
In this one i appreciated the romantic atmosphere and the simplicity...
I'll be buying this when it goes up on etsy!!
That´s a really really beautiful one.
I'm always so excited when you post something new! Another amazing piece!
This is so precious! You're so good at capturing moments and emotions. :)
I'm so glad I bought this print from you from CTN! I put it up on my wall! I LOVE it!~ =]
Hey, Brittany! It was great meeting you at CTN-X this weekend! Your work is so beautiful and inspiring!
Always fun, always imaaginative. Unique as only you can do, great work agin, Brittney.
esta increible tu dibujo.... ese detalle de la flor.. como se te ocurren esas ideas?
your are incredible!..
regards from chile ;)
absolutely stunning, really. I'm already a fan. :)
Outstanding. Even for you.
It really is very beautiful!
Congrats! Might treat myself to a print for christmas :)
I've just discovered your blog...and I'm shocked!!!
Your work is amazing, your illos and paper works (I don't know how you call those cutted papers placed toguether making an awesome illustration! ;) ) are so lovely...
Cheers from Spain!
I love this one =) congrat's !
I wonder... was Eyvind Earle your inspiration on this one? The background looks like something out of Sleeping Beauty.
You're so amazing, Brittney! I can't get enough of your work! It was good seeing you at CTN! I'm happy I finally got to pick up your lovely Tangled children's book, too! ^__^
I'm always amazed by the delicacy and beauty of your work! This illustration is beyond dreams! Love your mermaid and the way her tail is wrapped around the rock. Couldn't be any cuter and sweeter!
You're awesome! xo :)
*I DIE for this piece*
Hi Brittney, I posted your stuff on http://www.charblarg.blogspot.com/
keep the good work up!
you are amazing! i love your work, so mary blair! you should do concept art for pixar!!
fantastic piece :)
Beautiful style! Love it.
Your work is outstanding, Brittney! And, your style is inspirational. Do I detect the influence of Disney artist Mary Blair? And, maybe a little Bill Presing?
I love the way each piece is held together by the distinctive shapes and flows of your lines and colors, while at the same time containing interesting areas of focus and textures that draw the viewer in deeper.
I could go on ... Suffice it to say, I found your work on Etsy. I would love to know more about your path to learning to illustrate the way you do ... schools, teachers, and your own inspirations.
Tour work is very amazing. I very like them.
You are my inspiration. ^^
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