Some of my coworkers and I were recently asked to contribute to a collection of artwork for Disney Fine Art Galleries. The idea is for us to create our own artistic interpretations of our favorite moments from Disney films. Considering that I spent a large part of my life trying to figure out how to make a living doing EXACTLY this, I jumped at the chance!

First up is "I Just Can't Wait to be King!" in paper! I don't know about anyone else, but I'm fairly certain that I listened to The Lion King soundtrack cassette on a nonstop loop for the entire summer of 1994. My mother (who patiently listened along with me in the car) can attest to my obsession. Thank you for putting up with me, Mom. This one's for you:)

This is wonderful. Great job, it looks beautiful.
this is beautiful!! so much detail into this, i'm pretty much speechless. Great work as usual, Brittney :)!
SPECTACULAR! Bright and cheery. And I like that you made it your own unique style. I especially love Zazu.
Oh wow being a huge Lion King fan myself and seeing this made me really happy. Awesome job.
Jeez, that's just gorgeous.
Really beautiful! I love all the curlicues in his mane. :)
That's amazing, you really put all your style and your passion, the result is just so beautiful... I'll stay around for sure :)
cool look great!
amazing work, as always
Brittney- As always the work is vibrant, full of life and executed with brilliance.
I love the style elements you incorporated from the film's montage into your piece.
I hope you are rocking out every day at the mouse house.
Gorgeous! The colors are so vibrant -- great work :-D
Awesome! Great job. The Lion King is my very favorite Disney film ever. Thanks for sharing.
This was one of my favorite scenes in the Lion King!
I think this may be my favorite cutout piece yet! Absolutely gorgeous!
haha I still listen to it, but not cassette...just every day at work:)
Brittney, this piece is jaw-dropping, I'm in awe!
Beautiful. You know, this would work for Purrcasso too. :D
Good Lord, this is amazing! Love all of your work, but this piece is especially breathtaking. Were you listening to the soundtrack while working on this?
right with you there, i miss that Green casette tape of the soundtrack hahaha
Love this too much, always awaiting your next update :)
Ha! Brittney, this adorable! I'm loving the leaf mane on Simba. It reminds me of the puppets from the Broadway production of Lion King. XD
This is absolutely gorgeous!!!
I remember listening to the soundtrack over and over and over again!! (and still :))
I like the look on Zazoo!
Great piece :)
It's gorgeous!
oh wow, brittney, the details and the color are beautiful and the big tree...... back in time!
Absolutely wonderful! I'm stunned by your beautiful work, once again!
Brittney, you are so amazing. I wish you posted everyday. I hope Disney realizes they need to animate something in your cut-paper style. That would look so original.
WOW! All I can say is this is amazing and I don't know how you did it! It is absolutely beautiful.
So beautiful! It's an amazing tribute! Wonderful piece as always. :)
Ow! It seems I'm not the first one to comment here! And I peeked at the other comments and now I just can't find any other synonym for "beautiful" !! :-))
I really love your work! It's really original and rich! I like the dept it creates.
Really a fantastic style !! Prooves you have a lot of patience too ;-))
This blog is bookmarked for sure !! :-))
Ow! It seems I'm not the first one to comment here! And I peeked at the other comments and now I just can't find any other synonym for "beautiful" !! :-))
I really love your work! It's really original and rich! I like the dept it creates.
Really a fantastic style !! Prooves you have a lot of patience too ;-))
This blog is bookmarked for sure !! :-))
Beautiful work!
That's just wonderfully beautiful! Made my day! :)
Thanks for sharing.
So beautiful!!!!!
thisssss issss ssso ggggggooooodddd!!! you've got a very powerful imagination, love this one miss Brittney:D congratulations and thanks for sharing:D
Wow- this is beautiful. You must have had fun with this!
So beautiful and inspiring!
and to think you haven't been working with paper that long! such talent!!
and yeah, I'm right there with you - I think moms all over the world had to put up with that tape in the car in the mid-90's ;)
Totally awesome, as usual :)
this is amazing! i love the colors!
This is incredible! Definitely takes me back to how much i love this film / that sequence. ..ah...Lion King!
Great great work, as usual! I would love to see more like this! Keeeeep it going!
Brittney that piece is just amazing.
I Hope you're doing well !
miss you.
Amazing work as always! Hope you are going to the CTN expo again this year, seeing your paper sculptures in person last year was awesome.
This blows my freaking mind. Your control over your choice of media is definitely very precise. Bravo.
your kork is beautiful!
Heyyy Britt!
you remember me? I'm Katia, The Lorelay's spanish friend! (we meet in the tasting!)
I love your work! It's incredible cool!! :D
Hopping see you againnn!!!
Beautiful!! *o*
Wow, you certainly deserve this chance.
Catch it!
MY SCRAP BLOG: http://www.scrapmix.com.br/blog
That's beautiful, Brittney!
love the detail and the colors used. A wonderful piece.
So stylish! Love it so much!
Absolument in love to your work !
Je suis charmée, délicieusement emballée par tes collages, découpages, couleurs...
In love !
You really captured the energy of the sequence! The Lion King casette was flipped over and over in the car on my family's vacation to Ohio from Toronto...a five hour drive. My parents were very patient, too, and you know what? I bet our parents kinda liked the music as well. :)
Love your stuff, Brittney. Keep posting!
Wow! This is really cool, I like how you used paper for this artwork. I love the details and colors, great job!
Very cool. This style looks so fun. I love your work.
Love your blog it's soo fun and full of life!
I've dropped of the blog radar a bit lately, but just wanted to let you know I'm still following and truly digging your stuff! Especially this one - absolutely stunning work!! ^_^
hey, it's amazing, so colorful. the lion it's what i like the most.
Another amazing piece! My first CD was the Lion King soundtrack. I had received it as a birthday gift from my siblings I believe. I LOVED (and still love) that CD! It's one of my favourite movies :D
Was this piece sold? I would LOVE to buy it! I have a huge collection of Lion King memorabilia.
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