Comic Con is just around the corner, and the Visual Development Department at Disney has put together a beautiful book for the show called Pecknpaw and the Black Mirror. Each artist was encouraged to submit pieces based on that single-line theme, and the resulting book is lovely!

I was thrilled to be asked to contribute to the book, and this is my piece!
We have also been working on bookplates that will be sold with special editions of the book at the Con - Here is a little snapshot of a few that I was able to do:

Pecknpaw and the Black Mirror can be found at booth 4819 at Comic Con! We will have books, bookplates, and some prints from the book on hand. I will be bringing prints of my piece, and any left over after the show will go up in the shop! If you are going to the con, be sure to stop by the booth and say hello!
And don't worry, out-of-towners - the nice folks at Gallery Nucleus are currently taking pre-orders on the book. You can reserve a copy here.
Have a lovely week, everyone! I hope to see you all in San Diego!
Brittney, these are so lovely! Your style is so charming to look at! I love her poses and the colors .. I can't wait for the book .. wish I could make it to Comic-con I hope there will be some left afterwards!
Lovely work!!! :)
This is beautiful. :) I can't wait for my copy! See you at ComiCon!
Your piece is beautiful. Congrats! :)
absolutely gorgeous Brittney! inspiring as always :) I really hope hope I can make it to ComiCon at the last minute. looking forward to see the book!
love it! congrats on the book!
Awesome gouaches Brittney! Your characters are really charming.
Lovely picture.
well done for getting in the book.
I hope ComicCon goes really well for you :)
You're such an inspiration Brittney. These are gorgeous!
Love the one with the kitty hanging upside down! Great stuff as always Brittney. Cheri and I will definitely be there. Looking forward to seeing ya again
Just reserved my copy!! LOVE your piece. And I have a thing for detailed bookplates... such a fantastic idea...
those bookplates are to die for. So freakin' charming. Your touch is magic.
Thanks for the heads up on pre-order and watchn' your shop for print compies! I'm going to get mine reserved.
Please say hi to everyone, I was at the con a while back and talked with everyone at the booth, and last year I got a hi- by way of the twins (roommates of mine). I sure wish I could go. Next year though!
love! :)
I'm loving your entries! Now I wish I could go to Comic Con so I can see your work in person! T m T
Those pieces are beautiful. Definitely getting a copy of that book.
I'm so excited about this book that I blogged about it! http://justafewofemilysfavoritethings.blogspot.com/2010/07/brittney-lee-and-pecknpaw-artists.html
Just beautiful :)
I'll definitely stop by your booth and say hi! I can't wait to add this book to my collection! :D
Gorgeous as usual.
Brittney your piece is adorable!
What a great blog! I love your work.
These are incredible. I love the color and mood! Outstanding pieces!
I was so happy to meet you yesterday at Comic Con. You are as lovely and charming as your art.
Thank you for personalizing the print and taking a photo with me, I really appreciate it.
Your work is absolutely brilliant and so inspiring!
Beautiful work, Brittney!
These are so pretty!
The ribbon and the kitty and the lady and the mirror and the composition. it's all exceptional.
Very cute!!
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