Sunday, January 31, 2010

Paper Cuts Gallery Show!

The ladies above are the three pieces I made for next weekend's "Paper Cuts" show at Terminal 22 Gallery in Oakland. These pieces were inspired by the lovely Carmen Miranda - her costumes and charm were just legendary, and I thought that they would be fun to go over-the-top with in paper:)

PAPER CUTS will show fine art and craft pieces that embrace the possibilities and strengths of paper as a primary media. The show's opening reception is this coming Friday, February 5th from 6-10pm at 2443 Telegraph Ave in Oakland. If you are in the Bay Area next weekend, please stop by! Refreshments and free cupcakes (!) will be provided. I hope to see you there!

Also, I just added the "Dinosaur Party" print and "Sleeping Dragon" paper sculpt to the ol' shop, so feel free to take a look if you are interested! Have a lovely week, everybody.


Bill Robinson said...

Wow, the detail in these is awesome! Beautiful colors, too. How big are they?

Steve sculpts critters said...

Carmen's perfect subject matter.
What wonderful work you do.

Nathanael Lark said...

Extraordinary! Your craftsmanship is just astonishing. I could expound on the many reasons why these pieces are fantastic but suffice it to say we're looking at incredible work from someone who clearly cares about every conceivable detail. Well done!

Abz said...

are you kiddin me?! these are fantastic!!!!

MrBibleHead said...

I wish I lived in the area Brittney, I'd love to see your wonderful work in person. These are fabulous! You are an amazing talent!

Eunjung June Kim said...

amazing!! and so beautiful as always!

Kendra Melton said...

My favorite is definitely the one with the snake, but they're all Awesome!

Jason Norton said...

These are beautiful!!

Matt Doering said...

I'm always amazed by these beautiful sculptures. Love the color schemes here. Gorgeous.

Suu said...

wow your work is beautiful as always! i really love the colors!

sreekumar said...

Excellent,super,great....... workz!!......................:) :) :)

Gabby Zapata said...

These are beautiful! Very inspiring! I like how the way you draw digitally translates easily into other forms of traditional media! :)

Animactor said...

Wow, sexy characters!...nice colors and atmosphere. I expecially love the second one! Congrats....

Gad said...

i want one of those adorable snakes

aintshakespeare said...

These are wonderful.

Eva said...

these are unbelievable! Super inspiring!

Kassandra Heller said...

Wow! Amazing work! I'm always wowed when I visit your blog :D

Sounds like a great art show plus free cupcakes! Can't go wrong!

:: smo :: said...

awesome work brittney! these cut out pieces are rad! you've really got a handle on the medium and the colors are great!

Angel said...

wow. they're awesome!

Aleksandrova Olga said...

It looks awesome!!!!! You probably spend a lot of time for creation of your works

Sze Kei said...

These are just sooo good! I love them!

Mr. Scribbles said...

Holy shmoley those are INCREDIBLE! I love it!

Lesley Vamos said...

~sigh~ so beautiful Brittney, the detail work is honestly exquisite! ^_^

damon said...

super cool

Marie Bower said...

I love these! Your work gets more amazing and eye-catching every time I look at it. :)

Desiree said...

Craaazy! Love the colours... they're so vibrant!

love the sanke one!

Anthony said...

You are one uber talented Paper-sculpting Goddess, Brittney!

I'm curious, have you ever done a seahorse? Or anything related to old-fashioned circus imagery?

Anonymous said...


Liana Hee said...

Juan and I went to see these on Saturday.. They are sooo amazing and beautiful in person..ahhh the colors! :) We loved them!

Aleta Vidal said...

i love chocolate too!!! and wath you do is great, regards!

Craig Mackay said...

Always so inspired by your work! Can't wait for your next post.

Louise Smythe said...
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Louise Smythe said...

lookin' good! i love the colors!

Genevieve Tsai said...

You are incredibly amazing Brittney!! Your paintings and papercut projects are astounding and never cease to amaze me! Your works are a real treat for the eyes!

Tooninator said...

holy moly. So beautiful

mike said...

these are so cool.

Sarah said...

I just LOVE all your work! I took classes with Nancy Beiman at RIT and was amazed with your animation she showed us so I've been checking out your work ever since. I especially enjoy your paper sculpts! Is there a certain way you space out the paper? or is it simple layering?

Christopher Vear said...

Congrats! You've been nominated for a Kreativ Blogger Award! Go here and scroll down for details.

Here are the rules for the Kreativ Blogger award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the award badge and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
5. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
6. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

Anonymous said...

Your work is absolutely wonderful, i'm in love. ♥ ;D

bpresing said...

Outstanding Brittney. Once again you've gobsmacked me.

Zar Galstyan said...

These are gorgeous Miss Brittney!

Tina Fallah said...

Awesome, detailed work Brittney! I am a big fan of your characters :)

Jessica said...
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Vanja Todoric said...

you are very talented, i love every single one of your illustrations!!!

keep inspiring us,

Masy said...

Wondeful! What a lovely blog and products!
Have a good day.

Denyse said...

Amazing... a true artist!
I love your work...
Cannot wait to get the prints I ordered!

Thanks for showing us your wonderful talent!

Best of luck,

Denyse Mitterhofer

Wendi Chen said...

Been watching your art for a while now - and I'm so happy to hear you're working for Disney! Congratulations!!

Your artwork is so gorgeous and heartfelt, all the things I love :)

MSD said...

Great work, love it!

Anonymous said...

Loving your wonderful work!

user said...

That work is absolutely amazing.! I am so impressed by the craftsmanship and whole imagery of this. Love!

shamil said...

its amazin wrks .wow

Lucyna F. said...

Wonderful works and fantastic idea.
I make 3D cards and pictures.Of course your crafts are amazing!!
I will very happy if vist my two blogs.

kanishk said...

I love the colors, your work is absolutely beautiful!
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