I've spent the last few weeks constructing 10 original mini-paper sculpts that I will be bringing with me to APE! Here they are:

A few detail shots!

They will be with me at tables 286 and 287, and each piece will probably be priced between $50 and $125. I'm going to split them up and have 5 to sell on Saturday and the other 5 to sell on Sunday.
Saturday's Group: Fall Owl, Snow Owl, Fall Fox, the two witches (Good and Wicked)
Sunday's Group: The Bride, The Dancer, Seahorse, Canary, and Patisserie
Any leftovers will go up in the shop on Monday! Actually, there will be a pretty hefty shop update on Monday, so if you can't make it to APE, don't feel to bad. But if you can come out, please do! It should be an awesome time!
These are CRAZY good. OH man...
I'm loving the Fox!
wow so beautiful! Nice work!!!
I adore your stuff! Just the cutest things that ever cute-ed!
damn Brittney! You've been busy. It's looking awesome! See ya tomorrow!
I would love to see the originals one day...!
Jeeeezus. These are incredible! I want the fooooox.
Eeee! Wicked!! Hopefully I'll be seeing that tomorrow night.
I'm so torn, I am actually in San Fran for the 1st time and I'm so tempted to drag my family along to check out APE. Decisions, decisions, either way. Good Luck! :D
hay Brittney
you are such a talented artist
i am so jealous
i really think you could make wonderful cut out animation
you probably know "Lotte Reiniger"
but if you don't, you really should:
keep up the good work
Those are gorgeous!!!
i dont know how you do it but they are amazing!!!
All I can say is WOW!
I like the paper sculpts. Very cool looking. Might have to try my hand at one...
these are so beautiful!
Please trust that I'm not being hyperbolic when I say this but; these are beautiful beyond any words. I am simply bereft of the ability to describe them. I hope you know how incredible an illustrator you are. I can only dream of one day being able to make art so beautiful, touching, and masterful. :)
Whaaaoww...i'm awed...this is really beautiful ^^
I DID! I saw some of these works in person at APE yesterday, and met you too! It was very exciting for me. You are awesome, Brittney! It was very nice meeting you in person!! :)
Beautiful stuff Britt!! Great details!!
Your blog is really interesting.I like it.I'm waiting for your new post.
Have a nice day.
I saw these at APE today and wanted to you let you know how gorgeous and intricate these are! Your booth was my favorite. I wanted the canary so much but it was already sold out!
Oh well, next time!
Just beautiful as always. These things make me wonder why I have flat artwork on my wall.
These are stunning. Beautiful job!
Fantastic! :) Sadly I can't make it this year... :(
Hey Brittney!
Have you sold all of these? I would love to buy one! Illl buy pretty much whatever is left... they are that cool!!
Also, Great meeting you at APE!
your work is sooo beautiful!
Nice :)
I wish I could get a closer look at those Wicked ones. They look beautiful.
these are brilliant...the fox is my favourite! I hope you sold lots!
Love your work!
super cute
Totally AMAZING!!!!!!!
Beautiful and I love the detail and color, fantastic work
Wow... some really great detail.
I am such a fan.
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I just found out about your blog and you are BEYOND incredibly talented!! I absolutely adore your good and wicked witches. Just gorgeous!
i love your paper sculture. may i ask u where u get the paper?they areso beautiful
Nice post. Great blog. Thanks for the share.
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I still have the canary :) I set it up every time I come back to the dorms for school, lol. It's such a pleasant little ray of light and gentle color. Thank you so much!
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