Dave and I joined some friends last weekend at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and we had a blast! One of my favorite parts of the aquarium was the Sea Dragon tank. These things are crazy! So crazy, in fact, that they needed to be painted. So here they are. And wouldn't you know it? One of them has a crush on the mer-girl, so he's giving her a flower. Sea dragons are so sweet:)
I'm going to do something a little different with this and turn it into a limited edition print. I'm not sure how limited the run will be yet, but probably no more than 50. I will have this with me at Wondercon next weekend, and any left over will go up in the shop after that. I can't believe it is so soon! I certainly have my work cut out for me. There will be more updates on Wondercon things coming your way this week, but until then I leave you with this commercial that was stuck in my head throughout our trip to Monterey and also the entire time I was working on this painting. Enjoy!
Your work always inspires me! Great little expression this character has ^-^
out of curiosity, what app did you do this in? Am I looking at bmp art or vector art? Photoshop or Illistrator? It's awesome that I have to ask :)
She's gorgeous!
Thanks everybody!
Danny - I work entirely in Photoshop for these paintings - no vectors here!
Elegant painting!
Can I ask what types of textures or brushes you use to make these amazing paintings? If it's a secret then...
You are amazing, and so original. I hope I can be like you when I grow up.
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