My sister is a budding star snowboarder, so I painted this for her for Christmas. I have never snowboarded, and I think it has been about 14 years since the last time I snow skied (I much prefer warm weather and water skiing), but I'm pretty sure that I do remember that its the most fun when there is a nice thick blanket of powdery snow covering the slopes. I know its a stretch, but that's how I'm tying this one into Illlustration Friday this week. Enjoy!
It's just wonderful
Beautiful illo, her eyes are so expressive! I love this color scheme!
Very nice. Lovely detailing in the stylised snow, great composition and appealing textures.
Beautifully cold colours, without being a chilly picture. I love the hint of warmth in the figure.
Great movement and texture in this - very animated!
A fresh blanket of snow is perfect for snowboarding. Nice illo.
Beautiful! Once again, I LOVE your work!!!
you successfully brought out the atmosphere. beautiful.
Great job it is very much your sister!! from aj in cl pa
I love your work.
Hi!! I'm Sara, from http://envidia-sara.blogspot.com and have a gift for you in my blog. When you have free time pass, please.
I'm charmed with how you draw!
Kisses, Sara
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