Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Colorful Creatures

Hey, everybody! Happy 2010!

I apologize for my absence from posting. Things have been quite busy around here since my last post at the end of November, but I should be able to get back on schedule now, at least for a while. Lots of exciting things are coming up, so I will have lots to share!

I have wanted to do a dinosaur piece for a very long time, so I decided there would be no better time to do it than to ring in the New Year. These dinosaurs are having a party, but the velociraptors were not invited. You might think that is mean, but they are bullies and have been giving me nightmares since I first saw Jurassic Park in 1993. Consider this payback.

And these photos are of another paper piece I did over the holidays. Peacocks are so much fun to sculpt!

That's all for now - have a lovely week everybody!


Anonymous said...

Leave the velociraptors at the door!

Google is telling me I misspelled velociraptors. Fools.

Kendra Melton said...

The dinos are so cute, and such happy colors. You and your as always awesome cut outs. :]

Avner Geller said...

These Dinos are adorable! I love the colors, your work is absolutely beautiful!

Mónica said...

¡¡Wonderful jungle!!
Congrats :)

Daisy Church said...

I am in love with the peacock one! (although, my heart will always belong to that paper pegasus you did!) ha ha!

ps- have you seen megan brain's beautiful paper work?


damon said...

wow super good

XAV said...

I love this dino party! it's very beautifull

Gad said...

the dinos in the bottom look a little sad, like they weren't invited to the party and feel left out :(

who knew dinosaurs be so cute

Haylee said...

It's great to see you posting again Brittney! I'm always in fascination of your work, whether digital or paper!

PS. I'm glad you didn't invite the velociraptors. :]

Dark Wizard said...

man you artwork is so f'n dope.

absolutely love your stuff

Amanda said...

I LOVE the dinosaur piece. The colors are amazing! Those raptors are jerks and don't deserve to be at the party anyway.

Eunjung June Kim said...

so beautiful...

Craig Mackay said...

beautiful, Brittney!

Stevie said...

The concept is so charming!!! You are amazing!! :)

Christina said...

These are so wonderful, I love how you use color! Thanks for posting!

Mathieu Beaulieu said...


SHOo said...

Oh! Those colours are just wonderful! And the soft feeling of the whole piece is magic!

tech said...
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tech said...

so cool

Brandon said...

Stunning work as usual.

:: smo :: said...

i love the dinosaurs brittney!

Lesley Vamos said...

Brilliant Brittney!! (as usual ^_^) I really love the dinosaurs - the colour and composition is stunning :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful color and layout. Such sad expressions on the velociraptors!

Ramona said...

Wow your amazing! I love your 3d looking stuff. How do you do that. Do you cut it out by hand. Sorry if that's a dumb question hahah.

Carlos Sanchez said...

beautiful work!!! as always.

Wayne B. Medina said...

this is just fantastic! lovely colors on the dino piece and the paper sculpt as always is great! i was watching the demo you gave at the ctn expo making one of those sculpts. just wanted to say thank you!

Desiree said...

Ahhh, those Dinos are amazing! Its so bright and colourful! What a wonderful party - I dont mind that there arent any raptors in it either. Well Done!!!

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about velociraptors!! Will you be selling the dinosaur print on your Etsy site? My husband and I would love to own one. I love your artwork so much that I featured it a few times on my blog! www.justafewofemilysfavoritethings.blogspot.com

Anthony said...

Your Peacock piece is SUPER gorgeous! I do, of course, think that your illustrated works are beautiful, but I'm really "drawn" in by your paper art!

You have amazing talent. :)

Ryan said...

Beautiful work ! I really like your style, your sens of color.

Abz said...

as always, stunning work!

Drop by a visit, Id like to hear your input! :)

MrBibleHead said...

Leave it to you Brittney, to make dinos beautiful! Wonderful work. And your peacock... amazing work! Those colors are gorgeous!

Animactor said...

Wow!!! I really love your style! Great colors and great atmosphere! Congrats:)...

Lindsay said...

hey brittney... my sister LOVES peacocks.. how much would you charge for something like this?

Roberta Tedeschi said...

I just discovered your blog..your art is amazing!
I really like your paper sculptures, they're just incredible :)

Tel Coelho said...

A M A Z I N G !!!!!!

Jason Norton said...

Ahhh these are beautiful Brittany!

Unknown said...

wow great work. i always love to look at a great colorful art work .me and my lil girl really enjoy this dino pix. keep it up .
ernie ochoa
i would love it if you can plz visit my blog and comment on any work u may like . when ever you have time of course.

Unknown said...

i like u works, dinos at all

Carolina said...


Katy Hargrove said...

Best dinosaurs evar!

Jessica said...
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kanishk said...

Congrats Brittney, that's absolutely wonderful, and your work is truly something special!

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