Saturday, August 07, 2010

Peck'n'paw at Gallery Nucleus!

I am a little late to post about this, but Peck'n'paw and the Black Mirror is making a one-night only appearance at Gallery Nucleus tonight! Contributing artists will be there to sign books, and there will be lots of original artwork both from and inspired by the book for sale! Admission is free, and there will be raffles and prizes and all sorts of fun stuff going on. If you are in the area you should certainly stop by to say hello!

Since my piece from the book was digital, I decided to work on a couple of pieces inspired by the book for the show.

"Pretty in Pink" detail

"Spinning Dreams"

They were so much fun to work on, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them in the gallery with all of the other artists' beautiful work. It should be a wonderful evening and I hope to see some of you there!


  1. Holy cow, Brittney, these are gorgeous...

    You make me want to try paper-crafting a picture.

    oh so talented.

  3. Your paper sculptures are just incredible, Brittney! I'm floored by the detail!

  4. Wow these are incredible!

    It was great meeting you and Scott at comic con! I love my Peck'n'Paw book!

  5. what beautiful work!

  6. wow, these are amazing. Such beautiful designs and impeccable craftsmanship. I love them!

  7. hey brittney man that makes me whish I whould have stayed a little longer to see the show good luck tonight and hopefully I will see you again soon

  8. these are so gorgeous! I love the detail in them! So much time and dedication makes it all worth-while :)!

  9. Brittney, these are wonderful! It was great seeing you at SIGGRPAH and Disney. Do you think you'll be able to post your talent development project on here?

    Have fun at your showing, and hopefully we'll see each other again soon! XD

  10. Truly impressive as always!

  11. Gorgeous colors in Spinning Dreams, and I love the ribbon all over the place in Pretty in pink. They're both fantastic!

  12. Wish I lived out that way. I'd love to see your stuff in person! Fantastic work Brittney! As always!

  13. insanely talented you are.

  14. absolutly fabulous !!

  15. being able to draw this is one thing, but the cut out work is ridiculous. Really beautiful work Brittney.

  16. These are really great! Love "Pretty in pink"! Great job!

  17. you stuff is always so beautiful

  18. stunningly beautiful, great craft:D

  19. I hope you're using high precision lasers to cut these out and not just scissors or some type of knife, because if it's the latter I'm going to start crying.

  20. I can't get enough of your Work! Every time i stop by you surprise me! Great Work! : *** Kisses from Portugal

  21. Those are gorgeous Brittney!!
    I need to get some more of your paper sculpts!

  22. This is beautiful! And it was so neat to meet you at comic-con. I love your work!

  23. I love your paper art so much. did you use color paper or you painted first?

  24. Brittney, It's really adorable paper work.

  25. Anonymous12:16 PM

    These are great! I love to see that you are still doing the cutouts! It was awesome that you were at Siggraph! I was sooo excited when I found out! My friend got a drawing from you there too! Thanks for keeping up the great work!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. vc ja trabalhou na disney?

  28. I just made my first paper illustration 2 weeks ago and today I came across your beautiful work. It's so amazing, I love it! Inspiration all over the place!

  29. I absolutely love your works! So sweet, kind and totally gorgeous! ^_^

  30. These are awesome! Great attention to detail.

    Here's my stab at it:



  31. You are now officially my favorite illustrator. Wow!

  32. wow these are awesome

  33. hey brittney I dont know if you have had the chance but if you find the time I would really like if you stop by my blog and check some of the new pieces I have done and let me know hat you think

  34. Your work is so gorgeous.
    The beautiful colour palette are also a sight for sore eyes.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  35. You do such a nice job.

  36. as usual so pretty and delicate.

  37. Your work is beautiful! So inspirational. Definitely bookmarking and visiting again. :)

  38. So wonderful Brittney! I love the detail in these!

  39. Eres una verdadera artista!!! muchas felicidades por tu trabajo, es incleible me he quedado alucinada, nunca he visto nada igual!


  40. Great Work Man..!! So inspired....madem

  41. i'm really under the charm of your amazing art!!!!
    thank you for sharing to the world!!


  43. it is soooooooo pretty~

  44. I love this! The little dog looks so much like mine!

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