Sunday, January 25, 2009


A little something I worked on this week for a wedding save-the-date. I have been super busy, and thus slacked on getting my first post out. But no worries, I'll get the second one in later today. Happy weekend:)


  1. great, so great!!1

  2. when William and I get engaged someday can I hire you to do the picture for OUR save the dates???? OMG that would be such a dream come true!!!

  3. Para perempuan pecinta mode didunia, tentu sudah tidak sabar menanti prediksi fashion wanita tampil trendi yang sangat trendi.

    Karena setiao setiap tahunnya terdapat berbagai jenus ide baru yang bermunculan dari bermacam-macam perancang busana. Kemudian akan mempengaruhi di dunia, jadi tidak heran setiap tahunnya tren di dunia mode selalu berubah serta membuat para pecinta mode penasaran ingin mati.
