Thursday, January 15, 2009


The first mermaids of the New Year. Actually, I think I started sketching her way back in August, but I haven't had a chance to finish painting her until today. I would love to do two more in this series of flamenco-ish sirens, so stay tuned for that. These three, along with my other original mermaid paintings will be coming with me to Wondercon in February if anyone is interested. The goal is to have at least 20-25 of these small originals with me at Wondercon, wo we will see how that goes.

And what the heck, I'll post 'em to IF this week. These watercolors are pretty tiny (about 5x6 inches), so I'd say she is quite contained. Contained, perhaps, but not tame. This one has got some fire in her for sure.


  1. Smouldering! Love the billowing dress/tail

  2. Love the hair, reminds me of p. cruz. Love the sketches in the previous post particularly the bike dude, you caught a great stance there.

  3. What can I say? You draw and render very well. I really enjoyed looking at your work. Our son just left Disney and went to Sony Games.

  4. guauuuuuuuuu!!! me enacntó el movimiento de caderas de esta chica!!!;)

  5. Suuuuper charming idea!

  6. Beautiful! Love the movement, it just feels so fluid and graceful. For some reason, the dress reminds me of a jellyfish. Probably just me tho.

  7. You're amazing. i absolutely love your art...very fresh and beautiful! :D

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