Monday, November 06, 2006

Wow...Been a while.

So, I've been a little busy. Got a job in California (hooray!) and so I had to move across the country. First, Dave and I had to get pumped up for the trip. This is dave.
He is pumped up.
We left on September 22nd, and trekked across the country for eight days, ending up in San Francisco on September 30th. I had a whole lotta fun, and happened to take some pictures as well. So here goes nothin...
After spending the first night of our trip with some friends in Indiana, we made it to St. Louis on the second day. I wasn't feeling well, so we didn't stay long. I made sure to get a picture of the amazing arch though. It really is incredible.

So, this is a monument at the National Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma City. It wasn't really on our route, but we sort of got lost and this was a cool place to ask for directions.

And this is Red Rock, NM.
We stopped to have lunch amidst this beautiful scenery.
We were evidently hungry.
And Dave is pumped up and ready to get on the road again.

Next, we stopped at the Four Corners Monument.
Here we see Dave laying in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico all at the same time. Pretty cool.
And that's my take on the situation.

We ended up staying with my cousin in Phoenix for a day, and thought it would be a good idea to climb Squaw Peak, a nearby mountain. It was 107 that day. Climbing wasn't the best idea. We made it about halfway and called it quits. It was a nice try.

The next stop was San Diego. Dave played in the ocean for a while, but it was a little chilly for me. My cousins were nice enough to let us stay in their huge house for two days, so we got some quality beach time.
On our way from San Diego to San Francisco, we stopped for lunch in Santa Barbara. We found this poster at a restaurant on the pier and both thought that this woman looks exactly like my mother. Weird.

We finally made it to San Francisco, and have really busy ever since. I don't have any pictures of the apartment yet because it is still a work in progress, but it will get there. Anyways, I love California and hopefully will be drawing/posting much more as things start to fall into place!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


finally, i have returned to illustration friday. All is right in the world.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Musical Genius of Mozart McFiddle

My thesis. Finally. I've had way too many problems trying to get it uploaded, so hopefully this works.
Mo will also be playing in the Animation Block Party Festival in NYC this coming weekend, so if you are in the area check it out!

Otherwise, you can watch it here...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Some more Mo

Haven't had much Mo for a while. Here's a color test for the film - its not final but I thought it was worthy of the blog.

Reporter Cover

I've been so busy drawing for the last few weeks that I haven't had time to post. Hopefully I'll find some more time soon, but for now, here's a few.

This is my first (and only) Reporter Magazine cover.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Saturday, February 11, 2006

New Reporter Illy: Fad Diets

I chose to leave the amputation diet out of this one.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Hall Sports

Looks like fun, doesn't it?

Housing Illustration

New reporter assignment. Thought I'd try something new with this one.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

E is for. . .

Eva and Edwardo, my pet screensaver fish :) They like the bubbles.